Make Instagram Better

The 12 yrs old Instagram is one of the most engaged networks right now when compared to others. Like every other tech company this also introduces new features from time to time to make the browsing experience better to the users. But I strongly feel that there are few areas where Instagram can be made better. Few of them are below: -

Most of the teens these days feel insecure to have more people connected in a single account. So many of them are having an alternate account to add only close people. It would be much better if Instagram provides an option to completely make their followers and friends list private and nobody can see them except the account owner.

If people really want to share pictures to a few select people, the above point makes more sense. Yes, it is similar to what Facebook implemented years ago, but in current time this custom posting feature would make more sense. 

These days the trending section shows content based on your post's interaction and searches etc. and lot of things. This would make more sense in a relevant ads-based products, but many people are really frustrated about this. For example, if a user searches for popular resorts in a particular 'X' city, all the ads and trending section changes after some time. This might be perfectly valid for some time till the user finds what he needed, but that might not be relevant when the user no longer wants to search for resorts. So, I feel the users should be able to choose the topics in trending section on which the content needs to be shown. 

This feature used to be too good on the FB since its inception and I personally     loved the feature a lot. These days everyone is quite busy and since they are engaging more with Instagram when compared to other platforms, I believe Meta team should bring this feature to Instagram also. In this we way we can help the users to get track of their friend's birthdays and wish then and also indirectly increase the user engagement. 

The latest feature introduced by the Instagram team is the Avatar feature, which is a competitor to Bitmoji and Memoji, up to some extent. The primary reason why I said only up to some extent is the Avatar quality. TBH it is of very poor quality. The design of avatar faces etc. itself is not inclusive and does not accurately capture the user's face into avatar. This feature needs to be redesigned with the tech where the user's avatar details are captured accurately. If Mark and meta really wants to be successful in next booming tech - metaverse - they really need to focus more on this feature.